Today I turned 20 years old! Crazy huh? Well I've accomplished what everyone said I wouldn't be able to do. I broke my family tradition of being married at 19. I'm happy to say I'm single and no longer a teenager! My friends took me out for dinner to Si Senor and embarrassed me by singing Happy Birthday 3 or 4 times. Si Senor even got a sombrero for me to wear. It was a great birthday!
Tonight was my institute Christmas party. Me and my friends decided to be a little festive and wear some awesome Christmas sweaters. Yeah they are pretty much awesome, everyone was jealous of them. Sorry mine is a little covered up but I'll get a better picture with the rest of my friends at my FHE Christmas party on Monday.
(Thanks mom & dad for spending $5 for my ugly sweater)This is my sweet gingerbread house that me and a couple of my friends made. I'm very happy to say it stood standing the whole night.
This is a picture of my ward's Christmas party nativity scene. In the right corner at the very top is my niece Lexi. She had the only speaking part of the night and did a great job. The thing is my sister didn't get the memo that she was an angel and needed to wear white. So Lexi with a bright pink shirt gets a towel wrapped around her at the last second which in the end looks like she has a cape on. She is higher than everyone else so she is visible to the whole crowd. Bright pink shirt, cape and all. She sure was cute and did a great job, but it was still quite funny.
A couple weeks ago we had a service auction for an Institute activity. I didn't know what to auction off as my service. Some people told me to auction off a date but then I'd feel way cheap if no one bid on me or if i sold for like 2 dollars. So I used my imagination and decided to auction off a service to be best friends with someone for 2 days.
The more canned food you brought the more funny money you got to buy someone's service. & then we donated the food to Echo food bank. I'm glad to say that the winner of my service is my dear friend Steph. This weird boy was trying to buy me so my friends all pitched their money together so Steph could buy me. I'm proud to say that I was the highest bid of the night haaa.
I had to dedicate a post to my new best friend cause what kind of friend wouldn't do that.